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Meet elacup, a healthier alternative to conventional pads and tampons that uses no plastic, no toxic chemicals, and has no associated health risks.
elacup is a small cup that’s inserted into the vagina just like a tampon to catch your monthly blood. In fact, most women consider wearing a menstrual cup to be more comfortable than a pad or tampon once they start using this option, making elacup an easy, confident way to live life on your period. elacup keeps you safe with 12-hours of leak-free protection during your cycle, so whether you’re at home with your kids or traveling the world, we’ve got you covered.
elacup was designed for women like you who celebrate happiness.
You’re an enthusiastic, confident being who maintains a positive outlook in your everyday life. We empower women like you to shine bright and continue radiating your uplifting, rejuvenating spirit everywhere you go.We support the everyday boss lady whether you’re the boss of your home or your office.
We know you’re passionate about our world and how you can help change it. elacup is here to help you make the everyday extraordinary with your life-loving spirit.
elacup was inspired by our deeply spiritual sisters whose every action is strengthened with quality. You’re an individual. You’re creative. You charm others with your grace and transform our world with your divine energy.elacup backs our inherently loyal, yet honest gals with a cup that’s just as trustworthy as you are.
Your serenity is only matched by your intelligence. You’re a natural authority to those in need and bring comfort and peace to others.Our cup honors the infinitely hopeful mothers and daughters who understand that everything is in a process of growth.
You bring a refreshing yet balanced perspective to life, encouraging generations of women with the power of your presence.Find out more about how elacup supports a healthy lifestyle.